Say Yes to Leadership, Experience and Values


The Ford PC Government recognizes the need to invest in our students and schools through the Learning Recovery Investment Plan.

Education is an integral part of any society. It teaches values, builds confidence, creates opportunities, increases knowledge, and provides the foundation for the future. The Ford PC Government is making the following historic investments because they recognize that the best investment a government can make is in education.

  • $26.6 billion in total funding in 2022-23, the highest investment in public education in Ontario’s history to help students return to a more typical school year next year.

Programing Investments

  • includes a 2.7% increase in per-student funding or about $339 per student.
  • $683.9 million increase in Grants for Student Needs.
  • $90 million in mental health supports.
  • $15 million to deliver expanded summer learning programs.
  • $1.5 million for Confederation College to expand and modernize its aviation program and renovate the Aviation Centre of Excellence.
  • $92.9 million increase in Special Education Grant funding, projected to increase to $3.25 billion, the highest funding ever provided.
  • $304 million in time-limited staffing support to hire an estimated 3,000 front-line staff – including teachers, early childhood educators, assistants and other education workers to address Covid19 learning recovery.
  • $175 million to expand access to free publicly funded tutoring to ensure students can catch up as they start the next school year.
  • $40 million to support foundational learning in reading and math, including $25 million for professional assessments and reading intervention programs. The province will also expand the teacher-led, one on one digital tutoring.
  • $300,000 to support the development of curriculum-aligned resources to teach about Black experiences and contributions to Canada.
  • Requirement for educator anti-racism, anti-discrimination training
  • Requiring disclosure of educators involved in sexual abuse or other serious criminal proceedings, including lifetime bans on any educator who engages in physical relations with a student or is involved with child pornography. The lifetime ban applies retroactively to any educator whose memberships were reinstated or not revoked.

Infrastructure Investments

  • Investment of $14 billion over ten years to support school construction.
  • $1.4 billion for repair and renewal of schools for the 2022-23 school year.
  • $600 million since August 2020 to improve ventilation and filtration in Ontario schools to protect against Covid19, including 70,000 HEPA filters and other ventilation devices.
  • $40 million in 2022-23 to support the costs associated with school connectivity, infrastructure, and security.
  • $583 million to modernize post-secondary infrastructure, including $493 million for repairs, $60 million for new instructional equipment and learning resources and $30 million to purchase and renew equipment. 
  • $1 billion over five years to create up to 30,000 licenced child care spaces.

“Education contributes to both economic and healthy community development. I will ensure the approach to education allocation continues to fulfill our diverse communities’ requirements.” – Kevin Holland
